Education & Training
Clinical Psychology Internship, University of Florida
2021 - 2022Specialization: NeuropsychologyMentors: Russell Bauer, PhD, ABPP-CN, Dawn Bowers, PhD, ABPP-CN, Glenn Smith, PhD, ABPP-CN, John B. Williamson, PhD, ABPP-CN, Duane Dede, PhD, Kristen Hamlet, PhD, Shellie-Anne Levy, PhD, & Erika Cascio PhDPhD Psychology, University of Iowa
2016 - 2022Specialization: NeuropsychologyDissertation Co-Chairs: Daniel Tranel, Ph.D., ABPP-CN, & Aaron Boes, MD, PhDDissertation: The elements of g: Psychometric and neuroanatomical evidence that working memory is constitutive of general cognitive abilityMA Psychology, University of Iowa
2016 - 2018Thesis Co-Chairs: Daniel Tranel, PhD, ABPP-CN, & Aaron Boes, MD, PhDThesis: Lesion-symptom mapping predicts post-stroke hemiparesis severity across cohorts